My little Mimics :)

Boy…I’ll tell ya…there is nothing like the Instant replay button on a child to remind you just how much you influence their little personalities!

I am reminded of this on a sunny Tuesday morning as I clean out the pantry with THREE two year olds. Yes, I said 3…and no, I’m not drinking. However, because it DesPerately needed done…I thought I would take the “fun chore” approach this fine morning. So…we pulled All the stuff out, Windexed the shelves, and re-organized it by category. It really doesn’t sound that difficult, right? Add in my trio of “Tabby Jrs” as my girlfriend used to call them…and the fact that they want me to name the color, shape, and spelling of every item and it equals CHAOS. But, we forged on…

About half way through I started to really pay attention to what Annabelle was saying, and what Will was doing. I could hear Ab say “be careful, that’s bweakerble”, and she would carefully take it from Will and place it on the floor. “Uh uh ahhh”, which is MY noise little girl. Then…”Oh my goodness, Will you are a silly boy” and then, well…I finally caught on and I just had to laugh.

She was mimicking me…right down to the tone! She had the full Tabbyface on and had it RighT…even down to the way she was standing and wagging her finger! It was just so funny I stopped everything and had to give her a huge hug! She laughed and it was a “moment”….one that I will remember when she is a college graduate and the sad little memory reel plays through my head 😦

I’m again…hopping down the wrong trail…but it really did make me remember that these little people truly do re-enact eVery liTTle thing they see & hear. Whether big or small, right or wrong, they do exactly as they see in front of them. I constantly say to Jake “Is that a good example?”, “Are doing the right thing?” And a million other catch phrases that any Kinch kid could parrot right back to you. They catch it all. and as a parent, every once in awhile it makes you realize, ONCE AGAIN, that you are responsible for these little souls, in almost every way.

A baby is not born knowing how to handle conflict, anger, hardship or frustration. They learn, from you…that very first moment you begin the soothing process when you hear your baby fuss. The way you pick them up, the way you talk to them, the demeanor with which you speak to others. They take all their cues from their mothers, fathers, and siblings. If you’re angry and irritated, they will become angry and irritated. Monkey see, monkey do.

People say to me all the time “I don’t know how you handle small children ALL the time”, but I have to be honest, I prefer their company ;). They laugh, they smile, and they loOk for fun. Monkey see, monkey DO. I am not an angry, grumpy person…and the kids around me reflect my attitude. I truly feel that most children get frustrated for one of three reasons…they’re hungry, tired, OR they have been shown this as an option. If you have fun with them…in the end, they will hopefully have fun with you.

My little trio of “fun” are all napping after their adventure in PantryLand. I, however, am using this opportunity to clean up after their “cleaning”. It makes me truly looking forward to what adventures this afternoon will bring….with my WillWill, K-dog and The infamous Princess Stinkerbelle. My little monkey mimics…thank goodness for each and every one 😉

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